By Reiki1949
United Kingdom
Do I need to cut back my Ostiospurnam
23 Jan, 2012
Many thanks for your help
23 Jan, 2012
Do you find that pruning in spring reduces flowering at all Bamboo? I tend to very hard prune mine in early October and they green up again before winter and flower very well the following spring.
23 Jan, 2012
Interesting thought, Anchorman. I cut back the same, as well as, geranium, crysanthemum and others that tend to clump in about september/october, after flowering finishes and slows down. I have found it keeps them compact, and they mound up beautifully, sometimes putting on a small second flowering, with none of that nasty looking dead stuff. They all seem to flower well and have never been damaged by the winter, but that could be because they were cut down before hard frosts, and not in the middle of January?
24 Jan, 2012
That's exactly what I do with my perennial geraniums too AVK. Infact with many of the perennial geraniums if you cut them back hard immediately after flowering in late spring they'll flower again 2-3 weeks later and you can trim them hard just before the growing season ends and they ,as you say ,put on new leaf and form a lovely tidy clump for winter
I think the perennial geraniums are tough as old boots and would cope with hard pruning at virtually any time of year. Last year I was late cutting back a clump that had got out of hand and I virtually took it to the ground in early february and even though we had hard frosts long after that it flowered normally in spring.
It did look tatty for a few weeks though whereas doing it in September gives it time to recover and look nice before it stops growing for the winter
24 Jan, 2012
Might work for the only hardy osteospermum, but I've never grown it, only grow the tender ones. And yes, I do cut cranesbill Geraniums once the new growth starts showing in the middle round about July usually.
25 Jan, 2012
I will try an earlier cut this year,bamboo and anchorman, and hope to get a second better flowering than waiting until september, but it depends on the weather! This year it would have been too hard for me to cut off all those flowering blooms earlier!
25 Jan, 2012
Not right now, no. Leave it alone until end of March before doing any cutting back. This assumes your plant is outdoors.
23 Jan, 2012