Balanced Fertlilzer
By Sitheblade
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
What is it and which is best such as what to buy as in brand,make,type.
8 Apr, 2009
I use Mirical Grow for the tubs and baskets, I use fish blood & bone when planting and I use chicken manure pellets on the veggie patch. Beware though, it is easy to think that the more fertiliser you use, the better your garden will be for it - not true. In general, if plants are out in the garden soil, they will be hardier, stronger, more pest resistant and more wind resistant if you DONT use fertiliser. Of course there is a time and a place for everthing tho!
8 Apr, 2009
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this means it has N nitrogen P phosporus and K potassium in the correct amounts for general plant rowth. Some plants have specialist needs eg orchids so you'd need to buy the correct one. I use the round granules [osmacote type] as a general pot fertilizer but put fish blood and bone around the shrubs. I also mulch with my own garden compost. not done any reasearch into value for money but i bet some one will have done.
8 Apr, 2009