By Weedpatch
United Kingdom
Is it OK to put moss on my compost heap? Vast amounts of it grow on my roof, which I sweep up as it falls off. At the back of my mind is a nagging feeling that it is wrong to put it in the compost heap because of contaminating my beds if it doesn't mulch down well enough.
29 Jan, 2012
How about using it to line hanging baskets, as it is a good moisture retainer?
29 Jan, 2012
I was worried about increasing the problem in the garden when I used the compost. As I get it so regularily, it might be easiest to take it to the green skip in town.
I'm not sure it would be good in hanging baskets because of the type of moss it is. It seems to grow in blobs several inches high and very individual, then when there is heavy rain, it is washed off the roof or the birds chuck it off!
Thanks for the ideas though and I will try it in a basket aswell.
29 Jan, 2012
Moss repels slugs by emitting a chemical. So use the moss around plants to deter slugs.
30 Jan, 2012
Hello, weedpatch - sounds like not the kind of moss for hanging baskets!! Kildermorie's suggestion sounds intriguing, though moss of your description tends to only grow in ground that has poor drainage. That kind of mounding moss in the old days was used as fuel for fires - do you have a fireplace or logburner? Just another thought ... otherwise, take it to the tip!
30 Jan, 2012
I was also intrigued by the thought of using it as a slug repellant, especially as I have a lot of hostas. I am going to try it.
I actually do have a log burner. I will certainly give that a go. Anything that helps cut fuel bills.
The strange thing about the moss is that it only grows on the tiles on my roof, both sides. It was overhung by a huge a tree but that came down about ten years ago. I thought the moss would clear then but it keeps getting worse! Terrible for blocking gutters too.
Thanks for the ideas. Will let you know how things go.
30 Jan, 2012
Not a good idea weedpatch, unless you want more moss when you use your compost. You can dig a hole in the corner of your garden which will not be used after you have buried the moss.
29 Jan, 2012