What on earth?
By Wolfytom
United Kingdom
Excuse my ignorance but I haven't a clue what this white-flowering shrub is called.

9 Apr, 2009
Choiysia ternata?
9 Apr, 2009
Could be philadelphus coronarius "Aureus" there is a closeup on my plants section
9 Apr, 2009
I've put some pics in my profile - called mystery bush 1, 2 and 3
9 Apr, 2009
I think it's the Philadelphus - thanks for all the help.
The prize goes to Mageth!
I love this site!
9 Apr, 2009
Can you get in a bit closer, the foliage isn't very clear - my only guess at the moment would be some type of Spirea.
9 Apr, 2009