By Poppylinda
United Kingdom
A friend asked me last night why she hadnt got any flowers on her peace lily,can anyone help me out?
5 Feb, 2012
will pass that on thanks cammomile
5 Feb, 2012
Mine has never bloomed but keeps giving new growth of new leaves.
5 Feb, 2012
Few questions - how long has your friend had the plant? Has it ever been repotted into fresh compost? Is it fed regularly, and if so, what with?
5 Feb, 2012
Right Bamboo...fed once a month with sequestered iron miracle gro house plant food.has 2, one 2years old,not been repoted and one 4years, repoted 2years.
5 Feb, 2012
Doesn't need the sequestered iron feed - use Baby Bio or Phostrogen houseplant food. If the plant is very large, turn out of its pot in spring, cut in half and repot the sections in fresh compost. Keep out of direct sunlight, water regularly, don't leave it standing in water in a tray at the bottom longer than 30 minutes. Could be the acidity caused by the sequestrene feed causing the trouble.
5 Feb, 2012
thanks for that very useful,bamboo.
5 Feb, 2012
One of the main reason for Spatiphyllum not flowering is lack of light. They will thrive in total shade....i have several in my home but they won't flower.
Heat, good light, decent humidity and water/feed is the secret combo for house plants
5 Feb, 2012
I have mine on a north windowsill, water it when I notice it's looking a bit sad and rarely feed it. It has only been repotted once in about ten years.It flowers regularly. Sometimes overfeeding can make them grow leaves at the expense of flowers. ( I don't want mine to get any bigger as i have nowhere else it would be happy and it only just fits the sill where it is)
5 Feb, 2012
Previous question
« thanks to all who answered my questian about teesel seeds ,b-g.
I don't do house plants but was given one a couple of months ago and it has thrived ever since on just rain water when it starts to droop. Hasn't stopped flowering since.
5 Feb, 2012