By Karenjane
United Kingdom
what is the best way to get rid of moss on a lawn?
8 Feb, 2012
Also, lawn sand will do the same job.
8 Feb, 2012
Mosskiller would be the quickest result, especially if it is mainly moss but if it is not too mossy then aerating the soil with a garden fork/aerator, raking over it, then add lawn sand would be best and help longer term.
8 Feb, 2012
We were also advised by Greenthumb to raise the cut on the mower. Leaving the grass slightly longer certainly reduced our moss problem.
9 Feb, 2012
Use a mosskiller - comes either in a liquid which you mix with water and water on, or wait till April and buy a Lawn Weed, Feed and Mosskiller product - granules which need sprinkling. With either, you'll need to rake out the moss once its blackened.
8 Feb, 2012