Hello, my friends,
I am a beginner of gardening.Last months, i received 2 Phalaenopsis from my friend as present. I live in a small township 3700 above sea level.I can't buy any potting mix for orchids. So, i use coconut fir bark and peat moss for them.Leaves of one Phalaen of two are changed to yellow and brown spot on leaves and then dry and expired.I have only one remain and now this one become yellow leaves but no brown spots. I placed them in indoor.So, what should i do ,my friends? Please help me
With thanks,
Zin Minn
9 Feb, 2012
Hello, Gardenerzinminn!
I also wouldn't have used much if any peat moss--every time I have done so, I have lost the plants to root rot. Coarsely chopped coconut husks would probably be the best medium available to you. Lack of light could also cause that, if they are far away from a window. As for the heat, is that 3700 feet or meters above sea level? At the lower elevation, heat could be a real problem in summer.
9 Feb, 2012
Thanks for your advices, my friends. Firstly, I placed them in green house but that is morning shade and from 12 noon to 3:00 pm,it is under full sun, so I placed them again indoor ( in my house). I will use the coarsely chopped coconut husks fro my Phalaen. Thanks for advice, my friends. :)
13 Feb, 2012
You're welcome!
14 Feb, 2012
How are you watering them and are you making sure they don't stand in water? Could the plants be getting too much sunlight and/or heat?
9 Feb, 2012