By Michael1950
United Kingdom
i have just purchased the following..garlic allium satvum,maris peer,british queen and home guard potatoes.never done spuds before so what next?and when do you know when ready? and the same with garlic when to plant out and when you know ready,also to terratoonie..i purchased last yr 2 trachelspermum i need to let spuds sprout? plus when do sow etc..loads of help needed..thank you all....michael.
10 Feb, 2012
You need to 'chit' your potatoes Michael put the individual potatoes into the cups in egg boxes are adapt something to hold them. Leave them to sprout for at least a month, possibly longer depending where you live in the UK. Tradition had it you planted your potatoes on Good Friday. Living where we do it will probably be late March before we plant. Early potatoes take 12 - 14 weeks to be ready, just lift one plant at a time. Main crop take around 16 weeks, again to start with lift one plant at a time then lift them all in September leave on the surface for the skin to toughen and store somewhere cool, dry and away from vermin. We are just coming to the end of our main crop potatoes now, along with our onions.
10 Feb, 2012
Hi Michael..
Well done on buying 2 x Trachelospermum jasminoides.
They are lovely :o))
I'm not quite sure which part of your question refers to those... Maybe send me a private message ?
Please click on my avatar photo of the dog pushing the toy wheelbarrow and then click on "leave a private message".
... and good luck with your potatoes, etc. :o)
10 Feb, 2012
Hello Michael - traditionally, in the UK, garlic cloves are sown in the autumn, they sprout and the cold frosts causes a chemical reaction so they produce bigger bulbs. Until the last week, I was worried my onions and garlic didn't have a long enough period of cold for them to put on layers/cloves. I see no problem, however, with planting them now, ie immediately! Cover with netting to stop any birds pulling them up in search of worms etc. Remove any top layer of frosted soil to your compost heap and plant accordingly. They do not need any nitrogen based feeds or rich compost. Water when the soil surface has dried out, and water regularly. Irregular watering causes them, like onions, to sprout. They don't need a polytunnel or other protection. When the tops start to yellow off and fall over, lift them gently, and hang them in bunches or lines to dry out, out of the rain. My garlic from last year's crop are still delicious at this time.
10 Feb, 2012
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10 Feb, 2012