By Jjulio
South Africa
This tree puzzles me.
I've tried to know its name unsuccessfully.
Some call it tomato tree or granadilla.
What's its real name?

10 Feb, 2012
Sold in the U.S. as "Tree Tomato", and the red ripe fruit is edible, but not particularly tomato-like in flavor.
10 Feb, 2012
Gosh Bamboo, is there anything you don't know???
10 Feb, 2012
Thanks very much, guys; you are fantastic in knowledge of these matters!
Much, much appreciated.
11 Feb, 2012
I can't take credit there, Steragram, other than for being a fast typist and a quick reader - I typed 'tomato tree' into Google to see what came up - and this did, immediately!
11 Feb, 2012
Well, thanks very much, bamboo, I wasn't even sure the name could be a Google clue... [smile, silly me]
11 Feb, 2012
I was gonna try granadilla, then gooseberry tree if tomato tree came up with nothing, lol
11 Feb, 2012
Now if hadn't said anything you would still have been getting the credit for universal knowledge Bamboo!
16 Feb, 2012
Naughty of me in the first place to not credit my source... which we're supposed to do, really.
16 Feb, 2012
naughty but nice...?
17 Feb, 2012
Ah - you might say that, I couldn't possibly comment, lol!
17 Feb, 2012
Cyphomandra betacea
10 Feb, 2012