By Mousybrown
United Kingdom
hiya fellow soilists x x feeling extra sad at this time as my darling mum passed away a year ago last sunday...i am looking for a rose that associates with the name... mary x x x that i can buy in loving rememberance of my mum for my garden x x x
10 Feb, 2012
memorial plants are a lovely idea. I chose to grow my mums favourite rose as I knew she loved it and therefore I love it too. That way if you dont find a rose you like you can still have a lovely plant.
10 Feb, 2012
Thats a lovely thing to do, I planted a tree in my own garden when my mum passed away two years ago, sadly I now have some of my dads ashes to spread under it. It helps me when I`m in my garden and having one of those moments. I hope you find one you like...
10 Feb, 2012
I hope you find one mum passed away 14 months ago..she had a rose bush she loved..Iceberg in the front garden..I keep saying i will get one for my garden,must make a note for this weekend..nice to think it helps you Lincs...I get to a point (about every 2 weeks ) when I just have to go to the cemetery..then I feel a little better...
10 Feb, 2012
I`m like that Joan, my mum`s ashes are on a family grave in the village she comes from only 3miles away from town, dad wanted to go to Burslem where he was born,so we went last Saturday, its a long way from here so we kept some back and are putting them also on the family plot, I always feel comforted when I`ve been as well...
10 Feb, 2012
bless u all for answering and all the inspiration you gave me x x i will let u know how i get on x x
11 Feb, 2012
You are very welcome Mousy xx
11 Feb, 2012
Lincs, when my mum passed away we bought a family ashes plot (for 6) so we all know where we will end up..most of my mums family are in the same cemetery..she came from a family of 11 children only 3 of them left now...
12 Feb, 2012
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« This tree puzzles me. I've tried to know its name unsuccessfully. Some call...
Have a look at this link. I googled Rose Names Mary and this was one of the results - quite a long list. Hope you find one you like.
10 Feb, 2012