By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Eucharis (Amazon Lily) has anybody ever grown one I am looking at buying a FS size bulb Looking I would have thought it would be like my other Amaryllis bulbs to grow
11 Feb, 2012
Around here, we either grow it as a house plant, or as an evergreen perennial in the shady garden. It is frost tender, though, so it will certainly need to come in during the winter in the UK--either to a heated greenhouse, or indoors in a well lit room. If you keep it on short rations of water--soaking once every 3-4 weeks--for a few months, it will likely bloom when you start watering more frequently again. A cold treatment as with Phalaenopsis orchids can also trigger bloom.
12 Feb, 2012
It is a tropical plant ... bulbaholic may have advice for you, But my hunch is a conservatory/warmth loving lily.
11 Feb, 2012