By Kataks
after sowing my delhpinium, sunflower and carnation seeds in the first week of January sign of life in the soil/pot.
inspite of watering twice a day every other day :( perhaps its the weather we are now at 30degrees since begining of Feb! its burning hot!
13 Feb, 2012
30C since beginning of February in Denmark ... wow!! You must be based somewhere else?? Perhaps your seedlings have 'cooked'? Try propagating them in a cooler but light environment, gradually introducing them to the heat once they have sprouted? Delphiniums are more of a temperate climate plant - you may have better luck with hibiscus and hollyhocks; sunflowers love light and warmth after a cooler spring sowing; carnations, in your climate, I do not know without 'looking' up on books or google, other than Dianthus caryophyllus, which loves warmth and full sun. Have you thought of african marigolds, gloriosa (my favourite flower!), hibiscus, africarner kaffir lilliy, agapanthus, african violets, passion flower climbers, irises, perrenial poppies and no doubt loads more ...
13 Feb, 2012
If I remember correctly, Kataks actually gardens in Uganda, but has to go through a Danish server.
You should still be able to edit your profile to reflect your true gardening location, though, Kataks.
In my experience, 30ยบ C is too warm for Delphinium and Carnation seeds to sprout, but the Sunflowers should have come up--most likely within the first week after sowing! I would look for other problems, such as damping off, if the starting medium was covered, or predation from insects or birds, if started in the open.
14 Feb, 2012
Uganda is a long way from Denmark! I was going to ask if the 30 degree was in Farenhight which would seem to be quite barmy for Denmark at the moment. I have no experience at growing at these sort of temperaturers but I can see the challenges.
14 Feb, 2012
You have a good memory, tugbrethil!! I now remember something about a previous query ... phew ... Glad some of my suggestions may be okay ... Another occurs - gazania! They love the sun, and may even be perrenial in warmer climates. I may have grown up in East Africa, born in Gulu, Uganda, but gardening was not my interest - preferring hide and seek, building dens and generally annoying the local wildlife!! I do however remember, hibiscus shrubs smothered in flowers and gloriosa, flame lilly. I will talk to my parents, kataks, who will remember more than me about suitable flowers, and let you know.
14 Feb, 2012
Wow! Tug you sorted me out there. Thanks all and AVkq47 nice to know you lived here and Gulu is quite warm. Bul thnks for suggestions am trying everything right now
Suprisingly we do have carnations here but some are imported from Kenya other are grown in very western Uganda which is very cold.
The cherry on top.... planted the sunflower again in well propagated place... they are like 10inches now..:) I am so excited.
Tug you could be right about the Delphiniums; i also tried Lobelia but...... not sure it will sprout. African marigold and gloriosa...sound like a plan.
its raining now so temps droped this week to 25 degrees
Will keep you guys posted... thanks again for you help
27 Feb, 2012
You're welcome, Kataks, and some apology: I never meant to "sort you out", I was just trying to give a helpful suggestion. : ]
29 Feb, 2012
You are being impatient, Kataks, if hoping to see your seedlings so soon :-). Delphiniums and carnations are perenials similar to ones that I sowed in January. I do not expect them to germinate before late spring/early summer. After sowing my seeds in pots, I put the pots outdoors and in full shade. They do not need watering at all at this time of year. The sunflowers will start showing in March/April.
13 Feb, 2012