By Samuel639
United Kingdom
Firstly, our neighbour has a Acer tree growing next to our wall. Does/can an Acer tree spread it's roots to the extent that it come up through the wall on the other side?
Secondly, what is the difference between a bush and a tree?
I really look forward to your advice and appreciate your time in responding.
Kind Regards,
13 Feb, 2012
Thank you both for responding.
The wall in question is a boundary wall. I am on one side and the neighbour is on the other side.
The wall is about 9-10foot high on my side but only about 5/6 foot on the neighbours side. We are basically holding up there garden.
The wall is 18inches at the base up until about 6foot and then tapers in to 9inches.
The Acer is planted 50cm from the wall and the trunk is 3cm think, the bush/tree stands at about 6 foot.
I hope this new information is of more help.
Once again thank you for the answers so far.
14 Feb, 2012
This 'sounds' like a Japanese Acer, Acer Palmatum, in which case there will be no roots coming up and suckering on your side of the wall and no damage to the wall itself at the width it is.
Copy and paste the link below into your web browser, not Google, and see if the tree looks anything like the images.
In general a tree has a trunk and a bush has a lot of stems. That said some of the Japanese acers do not have a clearly defined trunk but several trunks.
14 Feb, 2012
as a basic rule of thumb what ever is above the ground is also below the ground in most plants/shrubs etc . they just get a lot finer in the ground .
thats a realy good question " whats the differance between a shrub and a tree" id like to know that . some so called shrubs get bigger than some trees . both are wood like stems etc . i wonderd for a while the what was the differance between a pony and horse . the answer is size and i believe its somewear round the 14 hands area . it cant be the same for shrubs and trees thow i wouldnt of thaught . i also found out that know horses are born white . there born dark grey and slowly over age turn white . fully grown but young adults are grey and white marble and its only as they get older they actualy turn white . sorry for the boring info lol.
14 Feb, 2012
Interesting question
I found this answer on the web "According to the American Forests Web site, "As defined in the Checklist, trees are woody plants with one erect perennial stem or trunk at least 9 1/2 inches in circumference (3 inches in diameter) at 4 1/2 feet above the ground (breast height), a definitely formed crown of foliage, and a height of at least 13 feet. In contrast, shrubs are small woody plants,"
14 Feb, 2012
or there's this
Tree-a woody, perennial plant with a single main stem, generall branching at some distance form the ground and possessing a more or less distinct, elevated crown.
Shrub-a loose descriptive term for a woody plant which produces multiple stems, shoots or branches from its base, but does not have a distinct single trunk.
I think I prefer that one
14 Feb, 2012
hi noseypotter.Just info, re horses most grey horses are born the colour they would be if they had not inherited a greying gene.Some horses i.e.appaloosa can be born white. Bit like plants really all down to genetics
14 Feb, 2012
looks like i was told wrong then jenfren thanx x .so trees are kind of just big shrubs partly but i understand the multy stem bit partly thow that isnt always true either .thanx anyway .
14 Feb, 2012
For gardeners, the most practical definition that I have heard of: "A tree is any woody plant that you can walk under."
14 Feb, 2012
There are several woody stemmed shrubs that only a midget could walk under!
14 Feb, 2012
That's what i thaught bilbo but jen put me strate so horses can be born white according to jen .
16 Feb, 2012
It depends on the species of Acer, Samuel. I've heard of Box Elder (Acer negundo) sprouting all over the yard, but never a Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum). I'll admit to ignorance about how other species behave.
14 Feb, 2012