How can I tidy up my carnation plants
By Sunlight
United Kingdom
My carnations have been in place for approximately 3 years and are looking very straggly and unsightly. My husband wants to remove them but I love cutting the flowers in the summer. How can I tidy them up?
- 11 Apr, 2009
Could you not put a plant supporter round the new ones as they grow to stop them falling over? Then maybe they won't irritate your husband?
12 Apr, 2009
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« In Northern Ireland we call it 'soup celery' but I don't know what it...
They are not long-lived plants and I take cuttings of mine - they root easily in water or in seed compost.
Once they get woody, it's probably best to take cuttings of your favourites and dig the old plants out. Treat yourself to new ones, it's a good excuse!
12 Apr, 2009