By Canalhopper
United Kingdom
Alys Fowler recommends using enviromesh to protect crops from rabbits, amongst other pests. Has anyone used this, or does anyone have an opinion on it?
17 Feb, 2012
Thanks for your thoughts.
On the Agralan website it says enviromesh keeps out rabbits:
How do other people keep rabbits off their allotments?
18 Feb, 2012
Hello Canalhopper
I have a house rabbit who has free access to my back garden whenever he sits expectantly by my back door. My carrots are planted in tubs 18" above ground, to avoid him and carrot fly, though he occasionally nibbles overhanging shoots, if he can negotiate the bits of carpet gripper around the tub! Salad leaves are also planted in stages in troughs on the edge of my 2ft patio wall - I cut what I need for the day, without pulling up the root, and get 3 cuts, without all the soil cleaning etc needed, and no slugs or snails, and when one trough is finished I can re-seed!
My main vegetable pot is wired with chicken mesh and short stakes (3ft above ground) and this seems to be enough to keep my bunny out! I also have some pond netting across the beds to keep cats and jumping bunnies out whilst potatoes and other veg grow.
If your bunnies are coming in from a nearby field area, then any wire fencing 3ft above ground and placed 1ft below ground is needed to avoid burrowing. You can also try some lion manure around the edges, which may be a cheaper option, from garden centres or internet. This works ... if I stroke or touch any cat or dog in the day, my bun growls and will not accept my attentions!
18 Feb, 2012
I wrote quite a long answer about fencing against rabbits here -
I don't have an allotment, but I do have a large garden next to huge grass areas and gorse wilderness that are jumping with the furry horrors. I keep rabbits out of part of the garden with a fence and tolerate them in the rest of it, but it does affect what I can grow - and I'm not trying to grow veg.
18 Feb, 2012
Thanks for the responses--I think I'll try the enviromesh, it seems the easiest option.
19 Feb, 2012
Let us know if it works & how you get on. If it's good we could all try it.
20 Feb, 2012
And if it's no good, it'll just be my veggies the rabbits eat!!!
22 Feb, 2012
LOL! There is that! ;-)
22 Feb, 2012
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« Where can you find good fertilizer (IN CANADA, ONTARIO) for Heather?
I'd never heard of enviromesh so googled and found an article by Alys Fowler on The Guardian's website.
She's talking about keeping off insect pests - though how you do that and allow pollinators in at the same time is not discussed. Perhaps it depends what you're trying to grow. Also mentioned are pigeons and rodents. She doesn't seem to consider rabbits in this article - perhaps she doesn't suffer from them.
I don't think enviromesh would keep rabbits out long term, even if pegged down with lots of tent pegs, as, given time they would be able to dig their way under the mesh. It might confuse them for long enough if you kept an eye on where they had started digging and kept on filling in their attempts at getting in.
Sounds like someone needs to find out if this would work - it could be you! :-)
18 Feb, 2012