By Bulbaholic
Does anyone grow Habenaria orchids? Remembering rbtkew's blog on orchids from New Years Day I took the opportunity to buy a tuber of Habenaria radiata from John Amand on Saturday. However, I can find little advice on growing it. It is a terrestial orchid and needs to be kept frost free, otherwise .....?
Does anyone have any advice?

20 Feb, 2012
I got some from Parkers/T&M a few years ago. common name is egret orchid. They prefer dappled shade not to moist but not dry either and I had it in flower for 2 years but I didnt bring the inside in time . the winter 2009/10 saw it off.
relatively easy to grow BA. I cant remember doing anything special for it. I dont tend to have time to pander to plants hence its demise in the frosts ;o)
20 Feb, 2012
I grew mine in an equal part mix of orchid compost, m/p compost, perlite and sphag moss.
mine was in shade from late morning to early evening at the height of summer.
Stored in the pot dry and cool for the winter.
I lost all four shoots last summer to what I presume to be birds, as they all went the same day whilst I was at work with no sign whatsoever of them. They were perfectly healthy and the first one was budding up nicely.
20 Feb, 2012
What a lovely plant! I know nothing about it - just thought I'd appreciate its beauty.
21 Feb, 2012
Previous question
« Hello, can anyone identify this tree from the bark please.
Ooh, that's a beauty. And a great photo. The flowers look like birds flying off.
Sorry, can't be of any help. Just admiring it from afar!
20 Feb, 2012