By Scotkat
Anyone else tulip bulbs showing?
I planted pots of new bulbs in Autumn .
I shall share a blog soon with as they are now and progress of their growth.
22 Feb, 2012
Yes scotkat,mine are up a good 4"now I think they got a bit of a shock 2 weeks ago when they got covererd with snow,I think they are all confused with the changing temps,and also I got some lovely red and white ones called Horizon from my local nursery after christmas and planted them right at the end of december,not sure wether it was too late,but they are already showing couple inches,bargin at 50p insted of £2.99,must remember to get some more next year.
22 Feb, 2012
Me to then I shall look at end of year.
My blue and white theme area all the snowdrops are blooming and now blue and yellow crocus its so colourfull the next sunny day I shall take a photo as its pouring of rain.
And where my rhod and clematis are I can see from kitchen window I only have snowdrops and hellabores .
So plan to fill with crocus in Autumn ,also planted trilliums there last yr.
22 Feb, 2012
Had to look up trilliums,not familier with that name at all.
22 Feb, 2012
most of my tulips are up except for my late Darwin ones. Trilliums still well below ground or at least I hope they are and havent died. I expect something to show late march/early april. I have lots of crocus and now extending the iris reticulata/histroides type too as they have early flowers and are gorgeous.
22 Feb, 2012
T. orthropoda is in flower, but with no sun there is no point taking a picture of it.
22 Feb, 2012
Its just a wonderful pleasure seeing bulbs starting to show.
22 Feb, 2012
Trilliums, ooh how lovely. I tried at my last house but it was too dry. Might try again now the soil here is moister.
My tulip noses are showing too. My iris reticulata have just about finished.
22 Feb, 2012
Oh dont you all just love Spring
22 Feb, 2012
Yes Scotkat all my tulip bulbs are showing - in the box that I forgot to take them out of and plant! Discovered them yesterday whilst cleaning out the summerhouse. Oh dear.
22 Feb, 2012
Yes - noticed yesterday that 'noses' are poking above the soil.
23 Feb, 2012
All mine in pots are showing their noses now. Some of them up a couple of inches. Something to look forward to.
22 Feb, 2012