United Kingdom
Not sure how this website works as far as replies are concerned but thanks to everyone so far who has contributed some very useful suggestions. Many thanks.

12 Apr, 2009
If the fence stays there, I'd also suggest colouring it with woodstain to help 'hide' it. I used a colour called 'Forest Green' which makes it disappear behind plants
12 Apr, 2009
thats a nice idea Andrew, i want to paint my shed green so it blends in better,
I have also got a new fence but both my neighbours have dogs so they did need the fence i have Clematis growing up mine and a Jasmine, the Clematis Montana is fast growing and covers a lot!! but its not there all year, Variegated Ivy? Cotoneaster, Pyracantha has flowers and lovely berries the birds enjoy. You could plant some shrubs theres plenty to choose from and some are evergreen Euynonumus (not sure of spelling!!) is very pretty with its variegated leaves, theres a photo on my page of mine.
I do hope you soon can look out of your window with a smile and not a frown, do let us know how you get on!
12 Apr, 2009
A snow ball bush is one idea I love them and they grow quickly I just put one in. Lilocks are another idea. Butterfly bush is just one more. Have a Happy Easter time changes everything.
12 Apr, 2009
Thinking ahead to this time next year , some shrubs that grow to a very good size and are specially good at this time of year and are also easy to manage even when they get big. Will just mention three I have and I like a lot. Spirea Arguta ( Bridal Spray ) which is deciduous but quite dense after a while. Pieris which is evergreen , white flowers with red young leaves . Camellia which is evergreen and you have so many to choose from. Recently planted a Jury's Yellow which is stunning at the moment with large cream and yellow flowers. I am sure others will suggest many more shrubs for you.
12 Apr, 2009
you could nail they same slats on your side thus creating a fence either side with posts in the middle hidden from all.
12 Apr, 2009
The fence has been erected along a boundary between your properties I presume? To be honest, you now have a boundary and it doesn't look that bad, you could have a 50ft leylandii hedge and do not nail anything to the fence without asking the permission of the neighbours and owners of the fence/boundary first!
If the boundary is the responsibility of your neighbours then they have done nothing wrong. The title of your property which includes the drawing of the plan will indicate with an inverted 'T' who is responsible for the boundary. With regards to the posts and how the fence has been erected. It is not a legal matter and has absolutely nothing to do with which side the posts are facing. I don't know which radio show this was on but it wasn't right. To ask a neighbour whether they mind having the uglier side for their view is only a matter of courtesy and is not legally binding and in this country, England and Wales that is, a neighbour does not have any right to ask the person responsible for the boudary to turn around panels. If the fence is the responsibility of the neighbour, they are responsible for maintaining it. That means repairs and to stain/paint both sides. You are legally bound to give them access to the fence on your side(right of way) to enable them to do this. If you want to paint it your own colour you will need to ask their permission first otherwise it could constitute criminal damage to property should they object. The same goes for nailing trellis or growing plants like climbers directly up the fence, please ask their permission before you do this as this will form a subject to contract agreement (verbal, not written) which is legally binding.
12 Apr, 2009
I can understand your frustrations, but honestly I'd rather look at this fence than my neighbor suntanning in his Speedo! : ) Good luck!
12 Apr, 2009
Hi everyone again. Just to put you in the pictue... I do not have responsibility for the boundary, there is no T on my deeds and nextdoor knew that (but didn't like it and wasn't accepting of it).
Obvioiusly they had a right to put a fence up in their garden but not to put the posts facing me thus pushing the responsibility of the boundary on me. When I bought the house at the end of 07 the two front gardens were as one with a lovely border between us, so having this horrible fence errected, together with the posts facing my way on a boundary that is definately not mine, is very upsetting. Whereas it had a lovely open feel, now i feel like I am looking out of a rabbit hutch. One of my pet hates are bare wooden fences! I kept my garden nice and tidy last year but obviously it wasn't enough for the neighbours who are totally obsessed with house and home.
Both my partner and I have been quite ill last year and we can't mow the lawn twice a week like they do - but our side always looked nice, as commented by everyone. We now think they didn't like the blue bench we had put out and they were always asking us to take out some shrubs (put in by a previous owner) that they didn't like. And we always obliged. Now I have no shrubs left and they have put up the fence with the boundary pushed onto me.
They are so pedantic about everything. Its such a shame. We got on really well but I will never feel the same about them now which is a shame for them as they are elderly and I am a very good neighbour. They even keep moaning about their next-door-but one's connifer tree which is in the front garden and of no consequence to anyone else, not even me and I live nextdoor to it.
I thought my side could benefit from some nicer planting and had said I would be turning my attention to the front garden this year (we had been decorating the house all last), but they obviously just coudn't wait. No one in the street can understnd why they have ruined a lovely view by putting up this fence. I couldn't put up leylandi, they would go nuts. Would also make it too dark on my side as I am nearer the fence than they are. So I need to find some sun loving flowering shrubs although I know if they grow more than 3 ft high my neighbour will then complain they don't look right their side because they will peak up over the fence...yes...they are that pedantic!
13 Apr, 2009
Barbarella, you sound very upset about this, but please be clear on this, LEGALLY under the Law of England and Wales, the person responsible for the boundary has the legal right to erect the fence, plus the fact that the fence posts are on your side has no bearing on it. You DO NOT now have the responsibility for the boundary just because the fence posts are on your side. It is not legal to put the fence posts on the side of the person erecting the boundary, the payer usually elects to have the good side. There are sometimes covenants on title deeds which give specific instructions about the boundaries so these should be checked first.
You have the right to plant whatever shrubs (evergreen) you like along the border in front of the fence providing you keep them to a 2 meter height, this is legal under s8 Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003. If you want to paint the fence or attach anything to it please ask the permission of your neighbour first. Their agreement will form a LEGAL subject to contract verbal agreement, keep a note of the date and conversation and you will have no repercussions.
I am not trying to upset you, I am only letting you know your legal rights, garden law is very confusing and you need to be clear about it. It is a shame you and your neighbours couldn't come to an arrangement before they erected the fence which seems to have coursed so much upset. People like thier privacy and they like to have boundaries electing their land, so it is not unusual. Plant a hedge along the fence, it will attract more wildlife into your garden and you can grow whatever you like along or against that, but bear in mind they have the right to access to your property to maintain the fence and you must leave a gap for them yo do this. if I can be of any further assistance, please let me know
13 Apr, 2009
Previous question
MMMMM Maybe you need to take some legal advice, as I am not sure if the fence is erected incorrectly. I heard on the radio recently that if the supports are facing your property, then the fence is your responsibility. Still one of those issues.
Another problem maybe that the convenance on the property does not permit fences. I say this as I remember somone else who had an issue with a neighbour over a fence that they didn't like and the neighbour ended up having to remove it as it was in the covenance that fences and exterior TV aerials were not permitted.
Now I have spoken my piece, I bet there's someone who comes along and tells me I am wrong. Oh well!
12 Apr, 2009