Lily care
By Wohlibuli
gwinnett county, georgia,
United States
My daughter gave me this lovely hybrid lily for my birthday this weekend. She lost the care tag on it and all she remembers is it is a hybrid Asiatic lily. How do I care for it, after the bloom should I just leave it in it's pot and will it come back next year? If possible I would like to keep it in a pot. How cold hardy are they? Will it need protection in winter? Thanks!

12 Apr, 2009
It 'looks' like it come be the same family as the stargazer lilies - is it strongly scented? If you want to keep it as a pot plant I'd feed it once fortnight until the leaves go back and then let it stay dry in the pot until September when you can give it a good watering, keep moist thereafter and protect from frost and wet - a cold greenhouse would do fine. Once it is starting to shoot again keep an eye on it and you can bring in doors to enjoy the flowers again. Alternatively follow the advice here to grow in the garden.
12 Apr, 2009
I have these in pots and in the ground. they come back year on year. The ones in pots are in 3-4litre pots and buried about 4" deep in a mix of soil and compost. in the late autumn they get put in the garage to keep them from the worst of the winter weather. the ones in the ground just sit in the soil 5-6" deep. I find my asiatics are not scented but very pretty.
12 Apr, 2009
Thank you all. It is still blooming but has no scent. I think I will put it out with my pots of annuals and see what happens with it next fall. I can either over winter in the greentent or the garage.
18 Apr, 2009
Main thing is to watch out for Lily Beetle.. They devestated mine last year. If you don't know already, they're small red beetles and even thought they don't do a huge amount of damage themselves their larvae will! The larvae cover themselves in their own waste to disguise themselves.
I left mine out all winter in a pot with no protection and now they're up about 2 inches. It got to about -8C where I am.
12 Apr, 2009