Why is my cherry tree not budding?
By Claire1977
United Kingdom
Please help, I have a cherry tree that is approx 10 years old and I have never had any problems with it until now. It has always been very full with buds and blossom and has always had lots of fruit but last year it had quite alot less fruit than usual. This year however, it's hardly got any buds I'd say 10% if that and would normally be blossoming by now. Can you tell me why this might be and what I can do to help it please.
12 Apr, 2009
thank you very much for your help and advice
12 Apr, 2009
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the really hard frosts might have been the cause of bud loss. prune out any dead branches and give it a mulch. then its a case of wait and see.
welcome to GoY by the way.
12 Apr, 2009