By Songthrush
United Kingdom
My Granddaughter was gioven a vegetable plot to tend. When I asked how her Broccli had come along she said they didn't do at all well. They hardly grew at all then before she knew it what there was had gone to seed. Her Dad's didn't do well either. What are the best conditions for broccli growing please?
23 Feb, 2012
Thank you Moon_growe. I will pass on the advice to my Granddaughter.
2 Mar, 2012
All brassicas are heavy feeders... and, assuming this is purple sprouting broccoli rather than calebrese, it is very greedy. So a well manured soil is needed. You also need to pinch at the top shoot to encourage side shoots to form so you get more florets. Don't expect them to be anything other than small spindly things.
23 Feb, 2012