moss on garden lawn ????
By Mark61
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi all wondering if anyone could help me.I have been out in the garden today and noticed that i have got a lot of what i think moss patches on my lawn.I have never had this before.Is it harmful and can it be treated?The picture shows the grass quite long but it is only about 1 1/2 inch.

29 Feb, 2012
Hi Bamboo thankyou i will certainately give it a try.Thankyou :)))
29 Feb, 2012
I was wondering what sort of moss that you folks had trouble with! In this case, it's a sphagnum peat moss! Doesn't liming the soil help with that? Not an option around acid lovers, though.
29 Feb, 2012
hi Tugbrethil i look into that option thank you. :)
29 Feb, 2012
Bit too easy for amateurs to get the dosage wrong, Tugbrethil - the easiest option is the Weed Feed and Mosskiller combinations...
Mark61, note that moss is encouraged by keeping the grass very, very short, and is almost inevitable the winter following a dry summer. It's also inevitable on areas of lawn which are very shady.
29 Feb, 2012
Hi Bamboo last year for some reason i kept my lawn really short im gathering now this may have contributed to the problem.Your information as certainately gave me a lot to think about and as been very interesting.Thankyou so much for your help.
29 Feb, 2012
I don't like a shaggy looking lawn either - but here's a little tip. If you know the ground is damp and there's going to be rain in the next few days, cut it short, collect the clippings. If we're in a dry spell, especially with lots of sunshine, let it get longer, or raise the cut on the mower, and let the clippings fly... as long as they're not too long.
29 Feb, 2012
Besides shadfe the main cause of moss is poor drainage.
If the lawn isn't too big you could spike the lawn with a fork at 6 inch intervals to make it drain more freely.
29 Feb, 2012
Thanks, Bamboo! As you can imagine, moss is rarely a problem here in the desert. It sounds like many other weeds, though: anything that weakens the turfgrass--low mowing, summer drought, etc.--will encourage the moss.
1 Mar, 2012
I think that's right, Tugbrethil - and we do live in a damp, temperate climate. Or at least, most of the time - we're pretty dry currently in the South.
1 Mar, 2012
Hi Bamboo thankyou your tips are excellent,The last place we lived we didnt have a lawn so i now have only had this lawn for the last two years.I have since brought some evergreen 4 in 1 granules so fingers crossed all will be well again.But it does say i have to wait till all the frost as gone.Thankyou again .Mark
Hi Anchorman it is a sloping lawn with good drainage.I do normally roller spike the lawn just in case.Thanks Mark
1 Mar, 2012
Yep, April's the first month to use that kind of mix on your lawn, Mark. If you're interested in lawn care, get yourself a copy of the The Lawn Expert by D. G. Hessayon - new its around a tenner, you might find cheaper on Amazon or Ebay secondhand, or the local library may have a copy. Worth its weight in gold for the clear info it contains.
1 Mar, 2012
Would a dressing of 'lawn sand' not work better, and cheaper? It kills moss and any other fungus, but also feeds the lawn that is there. A few spikes with a border fork, followed by the recommended dressing of the lawn sand for the area. Simple and quick, and always works. I do recommend after the moss and fungus has died to apply a fine compost in the patches and re-seed with lawn seed. Also, give your lawn a general good feed before its next cut. If the lawn is repeatedly cut too short, the grass does not have time to re-seed and spread or smother the moss and weeds, which will fill the gaps much more quickly as they tend to flower and seed below the grass level.
1 Mar, 2012
Thankyou all so much i have certainately gathered a lot of new information about my lawn.I will be putting your comments into practice .Thankyou all again so much :)))
3 Mar, 2012
You can either apply a liquid moss killer now, or wait till beginning of April and use a Lawn Weed, Feed and Mosskiller granular treatment. Either will mean you need to rake out the blackened moss a while after application.
29 Feb, 2012