What species cone is from?
By Tanja
Could be Pinus coulteri?
- 13 Apr, 2009
I search the internet about that sugar pine, it just can't be that one.
It is a very big cone with a big spines. It's about 15 cm long and 13 cm width.
I found it in one park in my town, but I forgot to look at the needles.
13 Apr, 2009
The sugar pines can have cones 25 - 35 cm in length. I doubt it is Pinus coulteri unless it was an import. But my tree knowledge isn't great!
13 Apr, 2009
We always call Pinus coulteri the Big Cone Pine so posibly it is that. There are so many Pines that witthouit seeing the tree itself we can only guess.
13 Apr, 2009
Thank you. about the production from seed, I collect all seeds from the cone and put them ion the freeze and keep them until next autumn. after that, sowing them.
Any other suggestions on stratification of seeds?
14 Apr, 2009
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One of the sugar pines I think
13 Apr, 2009