By Rhodesbrown
United Kingdom
Is it a bad year for daffodils?
The majority of mine are blind. Ilive in the W.Surrey,
Woking area.
2 Mar, 2012
Yes, seems it is - its possible the very dry weather in the south last summer contributed, together with the very mild winter we've had.
2 Mar, 2012
No problems here, except for the usual losses from Narcissus root fly which kills about half of what we have every year.
2 Mar, 2012
Rather early to tell. Most bulbs around my garden and my neighbourhood are still to break - I had my first Daff bloom out last Wednesday.
2 Mar, 2012
most of mine look to be fine. I have lots showing good leaves and buds about 2" tall at the moment. But I did feed and water in the dry spells last spring/summer.
2 Mar, 2012
Like SBG mine seem fine
2 Mar, 2012
No problems with ours agree with Bamboo the problem was lack of water last summer and a mild winter.
3 Mar, 2012
our daffs are all out ,have got really good display, dont know if they were well looked after as we only moved in october.I think they probably were as the garden is nice, in fact it is very exciting seeing what we have, lots of nice helibores .Also lots we cant identify as yet
3 Mar, 2012
Yes it is. Only about half here in West Wales.
2 Mar, 2012