By Jan555
United Kingdom
There is a corner of my garden which gets pretty damp in wet conditions. Is there an evergreen shrub/bush that would survive? It gets sun for part of the day.
3 Mar, 2012
Maybe Ilex glabra, I. opaca, or I. verticillata varieties?
4 Mar, 2012
I have a river birch in a very wet corner of my yard. It has thrived there.
4 Mar, 2012
If you build a raised bed then that could help with some of the worst damp conditions. I would also fork the area to aerate the soil and help drainage. Also if you plant shrubs/trees/plants slightly higher than soil level then that will also help prevent the plant roots from 'drowning'.
Amelanchier comes to mind as an attractive shrub for damp areas. Hydrangea also - but both are not evergreen. Holly will tolerate damp soil but not constant bog conditions.
4 Mar, 2012
Thank you for your replies. I shall be looking up the shrubs now and it will help me decide.
5 Mar, 2012
Hello! Try Fatsia, mahonia, sarcococca, and some of the vaccinium are evergreen, though need an acid soil.
5 Mar, 2012
dogwoods dont mind the damp and they have good winter stem colour too. then dwarf willow might surfice. small trees such as alder, grow in similar conditions.
welcome to GoY too :o)
3 Mar, 2012