By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have just been watching a video on you tube planting garlic do you have to buy special garlic from the GC or will supermarket garlic grow.
4 Mar, 2012
Agree with moon Growe but I have not had issues with organic supermarket garlic - it grow like mad.
4 Mar, 2012
Oddly enough I found some organic supermarket garlic that had been sitting in the veggie rack for a while... not a sign of a sprout which makes me wonder if it really was organic!
4 Mar, 2012
I have frequently planted supermarket cloves that have sprouted. They have always been strong growers and produced average cloves but with strong flavour. If in doubt, do some of each, then next year you can choose your preference on flavour.
5 Mar, 2012
You will get better results with bulbs from the GC the ones in the supermarket may well have been treated to prevent sprouting.
4 Mar, 2012