moving fruit trees.
By Thishells
United Kingdom
about a yr ago my daughter was given a pear / a plum and apple tree they were about 2 foot high with no branches, we didnt have much ground space to put them in so squashed them in the corner, they did grow some new branches and leaves.....BUT now the ground is prepared we want to move them to a sunnier spot and train them along the fence, please can anyone help ....have we still got time to move them????
whats the best way to train????
and how do i know what kinds of fruit trees i have ( standerd / pixie) ??? and there ages???
any help would be much appreciated as not really dealt with fruit trees before.
5 Mar, 2012
To train them you will need wires along the fence to fasten the branches to. I would advise you to borrow a book from the library that goes into detail, with diagrams, about training and spacing fruit trees. Would it be possible to ask the person who donated the trees if they know whether they are standards, half standards or dwarfing?
5 Mar, 2012
If you are going for the 'espalier' type, then this is easier than it sounds. It involves bending/training side shoots along the horizontal, from the main stem, in layers, cutting out any other shooting branches, from the main central branch - think of a fountain or ladder - and snipping the ends back to a full bud. You can use wires along a length of wall/fence or you can just use cup hooks and ties as the branches grow outwards. Don't worry ... practice makes perfect, and once you've got the 'shape' in your mind you will find it easier to prune to it.
6 Mar, 2012
Thankyou for helping with the advice. The move of the trees seems to be successful, the plum has started budding, so fingers crossed on the apple and pear.XXX
Were hoping to grow them as espalier, I have cut them back slightly to what they were so heres hoping.
As soon as i can i will upload some photos....
13 Mar, 2012
It would have been much better to move them in winter, while they were still dormant. However, if you must move them, and they've only been in their current positions less than year, you could attempt it now, keeping good rootballs round them, and without breaking any major roots when digging them out. They will need watering in well once shifted, and you will need to keep them well watered during drier spells throughout spring and summer.
No way of knowing which rootstock they're on - presumably they had labels or packaging when supplied which might have given that info. By the supplied size of the plants originally, they may have been whips or maidens (1 year old)
5 Mar, 2012