By Nevmeryl
United Kingdom
Can I grow Eryngium Giganteum from seed by scattering in the garden? When is the best time to do it?
On plant
Eryngium giganteum
5 Mar, 2012
Yes, it should be OK to sow the seed in this manner in spring. How big is your garden and do you want more than one plant - they are large? Unless you want lots then you might be better sowing in a pot and transplanting.
In the early 19C there was a lady known as Miss Wilmott. She used to visit gardens and sprinkle a few Eryngium giganteum seeds around the flower beds. The plants germinated and grew after she had left! To commemorate this tale there is an Eryngium giganteum 'Miss Wilmott's Ghost'.
5 Mar, 2012
I am also interested in this variety of Eryngium,Bulba..
could you please tell me how large ,approx..height and width ?
5 Mar, 2012
I've tried this several times and not had any plants to show for it. I suspect slugs and snails have seen off the seedlings.
5 Mar, 2012
Well, I suppose about two and a half foot high and wide, Bloomer. We have grown it but never really measured it!
5 Mar, 2012
Thanks Bulba..that's near enough.. and thanks for doing it in measurements I don't have to convert ! :o)
5 Mar, 2012
yes you can. after all thats what happens in the wild.
clear a patch of soil of weeds etc and rake til a good crumbly soil. then cover the seed about 1-2cm 1/2" deep. keep weed free and watered.
or start them off in good seed compost on a window sill and then transplant when big enough to plant out.
5 Mar, 2012