How to stop leaves breaking
By Davefc
Taunton Somerset, United Kingdom
Hi I have had this plant for a few years now it was really small when I bought it but since we moved to Somerset it has really grown. My problem is that as the leaves grow instead of flaying out they just seem to snap. can anyone help?. By the way the pot is a lot larger than it looks the angle I took the picture makes it look a lot smaller than it is. I repotted it about a month ago and it doesnt mind the transfer still growing mad
- 14 Apr, 2009
Looks to be in far to small a pot to live happily...
14 Apr, 2009
I would say re-plant into a larger pot, at least twice as big.
14 Apr, 2009
get it in the ground youl be amazed how well it does then
14 Apr, 2009
Hi near-neighbour! It also looks as though our westerly winds have thrashed the leaves around a bit! Can you get it a bit sheltered from wind when / if you plant it?
14 Apr, 2009
Could it maybe be pot bound? I have one in my garden and it's spreading wide. (At least, if it's a phormium, I do, lol).
14 Apr, 2009