By Astrantia98
United Kingdom
I wonder if someone could help. I absolutely love damsons and have wanted a tree for ages. I have a small garden and an allotment. Therefore I would need a minarette type of tree. If I have it on the allotment they like them to be the m27's that only reach up to 1.8m ish. Does anyone know of where I can get a dwarf damson? the only one i can find is merryweather but that seems to be in the next category up from the m27's the dwarfs?
6 Mar, 2012
M27 is an Apple rootstock. There are smaller rootstocks for Plums, Damson sold on Pixy is the one I know, but it is not that dwarf. Seems to be widely available too.
6 Mar, 2012
Bernwode Nurseries in Buckinghamshire, sell damsons on St Julien A or Pixy dwarf rootstocks. The former I think might produce a tree that's too big, but it describes those grown on Pixy as "semi-vigorous large bush". Have a look at their website on, or give them a call on 01844 237415. Very helpful people, if sometimes a little bossy. Their catalogue makes fascinating reading.
7 Mar, 2012
Thanks every so much for your help. Will do some investigating with those numbers over the weekend
7 Mar, 2012
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There's an online nursery called Keepers Nursery - have a look on there for the phone number and give them a ring. They're very helpful and will be able to tell you whether there is a damson available grown on M27 rootstock.
6 Mar, 2012