By Lydiajule
United States
how do i prune an old overgrown unsightly forsythia bush
Asked from the GoYpedia
forsythia page
6 Mar, 2012
OK but where on the plants do I cut?
6 Mar, 2012
Wherever you want the final height to be.
6 Mar, 2012
Thank you very much. Any suggestions on my third question?
6 Mar, 2012
I've posted under your third question already...
7 Mar, 2012
Previous question
« Hi I wonder if someone could help. I absolutely love damsons and have wanted...
Can be cut as hard as you like in mid winter - not sure what the weather's like with you where you are, but if its still winter, take off as much as you like. You won't get flowers this year, but should get some next year and certainly the year after. In following years, prune immediately after flowering.
Give the cut back shrub a good general purpose feed as the growing season begins.
6 Mar, 2012