By Wildrose
United Kingdom
We need ideas for a small, slow growing shrub to go in a north facing, shady border please. A scented one would be ideal.
6 Mar, 2012
Two feet high only please. Our soil is quite heavy clay! We want to plant small bulbs and hellibores around it.
6 Mar, 2012
Sorry my suggestion f Mahonia answering the second time this question appeared is no good as it gets too tall. The euonymus fortunii varieties will usually rarely reach two feet tall but they will get that wide and clan be clipped to the size you want. They don't flower but as the foliage is so bright and cheerful all year round they are well worth having. If you want it as a foil for hellebores the silver varieties would probably be better than the gold ones though.
6 Mar, 2012
Thanks Steragram for your very helpful suggestion. I think a euonymus sounds promising! Your photos are very pretty too. Roll on Spring!
7 Mar, 2012
Previous question
« Here is the problem. I live with my 76 yr old uncle in my gramma's old house....
How small is 'small'? (two feet, three feet, four feet or a few inches). Also, is the soil dry, moist or average? Knowing a few more details will allow us to make better recommendations
6 Mar, 2012