By Wildrose
United Kingdom
Please could you suggest some small shrubs for a north facing, shady border? Scented ones would be ideal. Our soil is alkaline and quite heavy clay.
6 Mar, 2012
Thank you so much for your ideas. We shall head off to the garden centre soon and look at them. I think winter sweet sounds ideal.
6 Mar, 2012
Mahonia flowers in winter with scented yellow flowers and will be happy on shaded clay. The gold variegated euonymus will also brighten up your corner.
6 Mar, 2012
Sarcococca is a good one,skimmia another and fatsia a good architectural evergreen although again it would need pruning.Depending on how deep the shade is you could look at varieties of rhododendron,hydrangea or camellia.
6 Mar, 2012
If, as you say, your soil is alkaline, rhododendron and Camellia will not do well there. If you want a Mahonia, choose M. aquifolium 'Smaragd' - evergreen, with yellow mimosa like flowers, only reaches about 4 feet.
7 Mar, 2012
Thank you for taking time and trouble to give me lots of lovely ideas about my shady border shrubs. I have made a note of all the suggestions and shall enjoying looking out for them at the nursery and garden centre.
Thanks also for really kind comments about some of my photos.
7 Mar, 2012
Previous question
« I know this is a saxifrage. But can any one give me a species name please.
winter sweet [sarcocca I thnk is its proper name , may be wrong] is an evergreen smallish shrub and would probably be fine. euynomous the white /green one does ok in my very shady border so will probably be fine too. so would false laure, acuba though that will need pruning t keep it small.
i'm sure you will get other suggestions too.
6 Mar, 2012