By 674059pfb
United Kingdom
I also have a Mahonia which was already installed in the garden and has been really lovely over the last 2 years but looks rather sad so far - someone told me conditions were very bad for Mahonias at the moment - I live in just outside of London in the South East - is it the lack of rain? Anyone else having problems?
7 Mar, 2012
Mine to looks stunning ,last yr it was a bit sad looking .
Its been in the garden 23yrs .
Last yr I gave it a good prune and its now looking great.
7 Mar, 2012
I live in West London, and I can't say I've noticed a problem with them - in fact, I passed a huge one in full flower the other day, and it looked absolutely fantastic.
7 Mar, 2012
Thanks for your suggestions - mine is in the shade and has been in the garden probably about 18-20 years I think so perhaps it needs a prune
7 Mar, 2012
And give it a good feed as well
7 Mar, 2012
Thanks everyone
7 Mar, 2012
Will any plant feed like be ok or does it have to be special like roses
9 Mar, 2012
Use something general purpose, such as Growmore, or Miracle Gro multi purpose.
9 Mar, 2012
I took the plunge and gently pruned my Mahonia a few weeks ago and gave it a good feed - cant believe how it has been transformed - good growth and looking very healthy already - thanks for all your suggestions
10 Jun, 2012
They prefer shade and tend to look terrible in full shade. They look best in dampish north facing/semi shade. Mine are doing well and same with any I have seen (not in full sun!)
7 Mar, 2012