best enviromently friendly way to stop carrot fly &how to protect my broccli
By Mamaizzi
United Kingdom
just strtin out need some advice on carrot fly and how to protect my broccli and got some pumkins should i have them outside now?
14 Apr, 2009
to early for your pumpkins outside in ardrossan just now ,is the plant you have to big for inside?
I grew broccoli in raised beds last year and didnt protect it apart from the odd beer trap for alcoholic slugs
14 Apr, 2009
I have done companion planting that might have worked. Onions deter carrot fly and carrots deter onion fly apparently. Like Maccrimmon i put slug/snail traps in and also plant nastursums as they are a companion to all brassicas. The theory is Cabbage white butterflies lay eggs on these instead of crops.
14 Apr, 2009
I also plant carrots with onions - both flies are attracted by their chosen veg smells and the strong mixed scent confuses them. In fact you can try most members of the onion family - chives around the edge of a carrot bed look lovely.
Also, sow very, very thinly because the less you have to thin, the less fragrance you release in doing so. I sow my carrots so thinly I don't take any out at all.
I usually wait another couple of weks before planting out pumpkin seeds although if you sow them on top of a compost heap the heat means they can start earlier.
15 Apr, 2009
carrot fly only flies 18inches above the ground so you require to do one of two things
1 grow your carrots in something two feet of the ground
2 create a barrier two feet of the ground eg horticultural fleece with bamboo canes as supports.
think i have this bit right ,perhaps someone else can confirm .. . . only pull carrots late in day when they aint around as they can smell em. I didnt get em in EK but I have a mate in kilmarnock and he got infested with em last year, so you should be careful
14 Apr, 2009