Making ladybirds?
By Sheilar
Sunderland Tyne and Wear,
United Kingdom
Spotted these two today in the sunshine

10 Mar, 2012
How about a bit of privacy? lol.
10 Mar, 2012
Looks like they're doing their best for Mother Nature!
10 Mar, 2012
Ah bless.....:0)
10 Mar, 2012
they should get a room lol . are they red or just blushing lol ? i cut my dog wood back and sore quit a few ladybirds today which is always good .
10 Mar, 2012
Nice photos .Lot's more ladybirds than usual in my garden.
10 Mar, 2012
I've noticed several in my garden today, none were as *ahem* energetic as your guys though!
10 Mar, 2012
I counted 100 ladybirds in less than a square metre the other day
11 Mar, 2012
Oh dear, Anchorman - how long did it take you count them? You could have spent the time weeding! (only joking - I'd rather count ladybirds any day)
11 Mar, 2012
I'm wondering if we'll have a plague of ladybirds this year - there were loads outside the other day. I'd guess most have overwintered very successfully because it's been so mild.
11 Mar, 2012
I hope it IS the 'year of the ladybirds' - great for gardens!
11 Mar, 2012
Hmm, well I don't know Sheilar - I remember a plague of them years and years ago in London, during a very hot summer - they were all so hungry they were biting people to see if they were edible, I remember the nips. They don't itch or sting or swell, but you do feel the little nip - something to look forward to!
11 Mar, 2012
strange all last summer people were worried about the invasion of ferral ladybirds . i cant think this is anything but good news .
12 Mar, 2012
few ladybirds today in the garden sping is here
13 Mar, 2012
yippee and native ladybirds at that .
13 Mar, 2012
Spring has sprung, gettin' busy...
10 Mar, 2012