By Bryony
United Kingdom
Any suggestions on my plan for this border please?
I have been trying to make a new border. It was mainly filled with orange crocosmia and weeds before. There are orange crocosmia all over the garden so it was overkill.
I have a rough idea of what to do but would appreciate any suggestions from the more experienced gardeners here. I have already ordered the rose, but could place it elsewhere if necessary. I have taken the ideas from a garden magazine.
I can't totally remove the ivy as the wall is too unstable there.
The position is basically sunny, the wall runs exactly from north to south but in the evening it is a bit shaded by trees.
I am still preparing the ground, there is a lot of stone from the wall which I have been removing, but perhaps some should be left in. Last autumn I added some soil improver. The soil is basically good, though slightly sandy and slightly alkaline. Nevertheless it is in a mess right now. The edge is also messy and not defined.
The space is deeper than it appears on the photo (!); the wall is tall, and there is lots of room behind the hebe and also not in shot where the edge curves round.
Thanks for ANY help :)

10 Mar, 2012
Are you looking for perennials or annuals? Do you have favourite colours? Medium height Phlox paniculata (white, pale pink, deep pink) is long-flowering; Penstemon (many colours) are reliable. For low-height plants for the front of the border you could try Nemesia (white, mauve, purple) and Osteospermum (pastel colours).
13 Mar, 2012
Previous question
« please could you tell me if Anthurium is best in doors or outside
I would move the Hollyhocks and Delphiniums closer as the height and look is similar. Lavender is not going to do well in rich damp soil (that the other plants demand). Chinese Lantern or Coneflowers would work better in that soil and for a lower height.
11 Mar, 2012