By Cozzy
United Kingdom
Something is tunnelling under my cabbages and eating them, there are several 2"holes around them and all the tops have been chewed off
10 Mar, 2012
It would have to be a very small rabbit, lol. Don't like the thought of it being rats but what else makes holes that size?
10 Mar, 2012
youd of thaught they would just eat them above ground when its dark as it goes realy . strange one . look round the garden in the edges for rat scat etc or get a rat trap . they love peanut butter not cheese ,
10 Mar, 2012
In northern Arizona, those would be voles.
11 Mar, 2012
Thanks everyone, will get a trap,peanut butter you say?
Could be a rat, we've got a huge farm next door.
11 Mar, 2012
i thaught voles were preditorey to
12 Mar, 2012
Voles are essentially small mice, Np. They take a few insects, when they can catch them, but they mostly dine on roots, seeds, and tender greens. 2 inches is a bit big for vole tunnels, but also rather small for rats. Here in southern Arizona, ground squirrels would also be a candidate, but I don't imagine that there are many of those in the UK! : )
13 Mar, 2012
i think most if not all small vegitarians substitute spiders and small insects as the veg isnt easy to break down hence cows etc having 4 stomacks . you learn something every day .rats will make a whole just big enough to fit threw just like birds and other burrowers for there own protection . theres plenty of prary dogs round banham zoo inside and out . they can live as a sociaty in up to 4,000,000 which is why the ranchers hate them . not only eating what there cows do but breaking legs etc . a trap will soon find the culprit . i actualy sore my large alsation get threw a biggish cat flap which was impressive .
13 Mar, 2012
Voles certainly eat tree bark as they ring barked my 12 foot cotoneaster & it fell over. They started on another shrub until I surrounded it with chilli pepper - no trouble since.
NP voles mostly eat veg - fruit, nuts, berries, bark, pine needles, tree roots & insects. etc & field voles eat mostly grass. Voles holes are usually smaller than 2" too. Its a puzzle. Cozzy you could try surrounding your cabbages with chilli powder as its would deter most things!
13 Mar, 2012
be interesting to know what it is .
13 Mar, 2012
voles are omniverous much like ourselves then . interesting .
13 Mar, 2012
it cant be a mole as there apserluteveracious predetors . is it some kind of rodent i wonder like a rat or a rabbit ?
10 Mar, 2012