United Kingdom
I've got a cercis that I've grown from seed, it's 15-20 years old now. It's in a pot (I haven't anywhere south-facing to plant it, that's why it's in a pot). I've potted it on twice now. Last year I fed it sulphate of potash to encourage flowering. The problem is that whatever I do, it won't flower, though I get lovely healthy heart-shaped leaves.
On plant
Circis siliquastrum
10 Mar, 2012
Thanks for that. It didn't occur to me that the problem might be because it was grown from seed.
Incidentally, its leaves are green, not purple; maybe another clue there...
I'll follow you suggestion regarding the tomato feed, and we'll see what happens!
10 Mar, 2012
There are green-leaved forms and purple-leaved forms. Keeping it in a pot should encourage early blooming, but that depends on good culture: enough sun, enough food, don't let it wilt, good winter chilling, etc.
11 Mar, 2012
Thanks, Tugbrethil. It gets winter chilling, feed, watering, and a sunny spot. It's just being difficult, I think. Oh, the joy of gardening!
11 Mar, 2012
Yep, sometime you can do everything right with the kids, but they still get in trouble! : )
13 Mar, 2012
I had one bought for a special birthday and it flowered in the spring to my amazment the blosom poped out of the branches rather than the ends just amazing but mine its grafted so I think thats why yours hasnt , its the same for lots of plants Wisteria being another if grown from seed can take years.
I know it does need sunshine to ripen the wood , but hey you have a special tree that looks amazing with the purple leaves and any way it doesnt flower for that long .......
I would use tomato feed this year from May onwards every 2nd week till end of August would love to see a photo when its in leaf
10 Mar, 2012