By Owdboggy
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Since the mice seem to eat all the Hellebore seed that I sow in pots I decided not to bother. However a couple of decent plants have seeded into the gravel path and the germination (typical!) is excellent. So I pricked some out. Every one I moved has since keeled over and died. There are still dozens left, so any tips? Need to move them soon if I am going to bother as the path needs weed killer on it.
12 Mar, 2012
Hellebore seedlings have large but tender roots which are easily damaged. You need to lift them out in a good plug of soil and pot up the whole.
12 Mar, 2012
Would do that, except these are growing in a gravel path with no, or very little soil at all.
12 Mar, 2012
either leave them a little longer or lift with the gravel and pop into water so the gravel washes off the delicate roots with less damage.
13 Mar, 2012
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the most obvious one is to take a good bit of the soil with it. firm the compost down, in fact i use garden soil rather than compost. that could be a major upset to them.
If you can wait until it has 2/3 proper leaves rather than just the seed leaves.
They are fickle little blighters. Hope this helps.
12 Mar, 2012