By Fozzy
United Kingdom
too much moss in the lawn what to do ??
12 Mar, 2012
no sorry its worse than that. the moss has taken over aha!
what about a scurrifier?
12 Mar, 2012
You can use a scarifier if you want. I'm wondering why its so bad - if its a shady damp area, you will always have this trouble.
12 Mar, 2012
will the moss die out as summer progresses then and the sun gets on it?
12 Mar, 2012
Hi Fozzy, i think you mean scarrifier!
I would follow Bamboo's advice. You need to kill the moss first, wait for it to turn black and then scarrify but only if you have vast amounts of moss. Don't do it too early as at this time of the year you could rip out more grass than you would like!!
12 Mar, 2012
OK thank you for the advice!
12 Mar, 2012
Fozzy: moss in lawns is a problem in this country, and a lawn in a shady spot invariably suffers from it. Most lawns have shady areas in winter, and that's usually where the worst of the moss arises. What helps to avoid excessive moss: don't cut the grass too short when the weather is hot and dry, so raise the cut on the mower; treat with a lawn feed in April and again six weeks later (can be with weed and mosskiller component as well, as in Evergreen combined granular, if you want, but its the feed that's important); aerate in autumn or spring or both; scarify once a year, preferably in autumn. Note that any year where there's little rainfall in spring and summer means the chances of moss over the following winter are high.
13 Mar, 2012
Use either a liquid mosskiller diluted and applied with a can, or a granular Lawn Weed, Feed and Mosskiller combination.
12 Mar, 2012