my crocosmia puts up more leavea than flowers - how can i get more flowers?
By Jmn
United Kingdom
crocosmia - how do i get it to flower well?
15 Apr, 2009
Yes i have too Andrew. Hoping for a better display this year.
15 Apr, 2009
Oooh, thanks for this, a job for tommorrow then! They are hard to dig up tho', aren't they?!
15 Apr, 2009
Thanks Andrew - will be doing some digging this weekend!!
16 Apr, 2009
Over the years, the flowering display of crocosmia will diminish due to overcrowding. You need to dig up the clump - you will find a whole mass of corms, one on top of another. Split off the largest corms at the top of each pile individually, removing all the lower ones. Give the soil a general feed and replant the big corms, discarding the rest and you should get a better display of flowers. Now is the best time to do it (I've just done mine)
15 Apr, 2009