Magnolia soulangeana
By Andip
United Kingdom
Hi everyone,
I have a Magnolia soulangeana (2ft height) to plant in a freshly dug circular bed about 3ft across.
What would people recommend as companion plants?
Thanks, Andi
15 Mar, 2012
Thanks Noseypotter,
I've read elsewhere about Magnolia having roots close to the surface that don't like to be disturbed, so I'm trying plan a planting scheme that takes account of this.
15 Mar, 2012
Under my magnolia I have some snowdrops and primroses, hardy geranium for the summer and colchicum (autumn crocus) for later in the year
15 Mar, 2012
your welcome andip . snow drops sound nice .
15 Mar, 2012
Pamg - also good suggestions, thanks.
I have some snowdrops in the green just delivered from Thompson and Morgan so now I know where they can go.
Now just need to decide what to have there for summer/autumn.
16 Mar, 2012
I have some Japanese anemones under mine.
17 Mar, 2012
im know plantsmen but id personaly keep that as the focal point and maybe put low anuals around it so you can change the look every year .
15 Mar, 2012