United Kingdom
Two please.
One, how late cna I leave cutting back my roses? My neighbour wants me to prune hers,and I wonder if its not too late, as I do that in the winter to my own.
I have a half garden thats due North,so I grow what I call, Xmas roses on it, but they do ahave anohter name I can't remember. They seem to thrive, and I wonder what sort of manure should I have, any gardening hints would help. As it is I give them fish blood and bone every so often. Buyt whenis the best time please?
Dawn Scott Marsden Mrs
16 Mar, 2012
Hellebores are lovely and there are so many beautiful ones nowadays - you are lucky they do so well. They seem to be undemanding plants where they are happy.
I haven't pruned my roses yet either - must get on with it - so much to do, so little energy!
16 Mar, 2012
Cut them back this weekend or as soon as possible. Your Christmas Roses are white Hellibores and I wouldn't want to feed them more than once a year but a good mulch wouldn't go amiss.
16 Mar, 2012