Plants for an occasional dry pond
By Tazbag
United Kingdom
I have a millrace that goes through my garden and although no longer fed has a fluctuating water level of between damp and 2 feet (10 months wet). As it's a large area I'm going to try a Gunnera Manicata, can anybody suggest any bold plants that would compliment it and tolerate the conditions?

15 Apr, 2009
what about ligularis, tall bold yellow/orange flowers.
16 Apr, 2009
And rodgersias - they have big, architectural leaves. Aruncus (goatsbeard), bergenias, iris sibirica varieties in blues, purple and white and of course our native marsh marigolds (caltha palustris)
16 Apr, 2009
I'm new to this so excuse, perhaps, the wrong method of thanking you all .... no thread?
Had a garden centre mooch today and .... the project has started.
Managed to pick up.....
Gunnera manicata
Skunk Cabbage 2 varietiesLysichiton americanus & camtschatcensis
Filipendula rubra venusta
Kirengeshoma koreana
Lingularia "the rocket"
Rheum palmatum
So thanks to You "Moon grower" and "Seaburngirl" for the suggestions taken up, "Andrewr", your message came through as I was spending! Had a look at the plant on the internet and off tomorrow to try and locate!
Thanks to you all.
16 Apr, 2009
Great to know you've made a start... please take lots of photos so we can follow the results of your labours. Oh and if you are ever in the north west of Scotland visit Inverewe Gardens which has some amazing boggy/wetland/pond areas
17 Apr, 2009
Hi Tazbag and welcome - wow you are lucky... I'd give my eye teeth for a mill race through the garden. Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) - would look fab. in with the Gunnera; Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria Aurea) a glorious golden yellow; the Asiatic, cadelabra, primulas (P. bulleyana, P. burmanica, P. beesiana, P. chungensis and P. cockburniana); Hostas, yellow flag Iris (Iris pseudacorus) though that can be a bit of a thug I think and there are other Irises too, Astilbes, Ferns... the list is endless. Check out a National Trust property near you to see what they use. Not sure how near you are to Harlow Carr which is near Harrogate but they have some superb examples of plants for wet and boggy areas.
Looking at your photo are you wanting to keep the planting as natural looking as possible? Gosh my fingers are itching to get in and help you!
Once you start planting could you write a blog so we can all follow and watch your efforts?
16 Apr, 2009