What is killing my Obesum flowers?
By Arizonacat
United States
White cottony area forms with a round brownish critter inside. I try to scrape them off, but they appear to be prolific. What can I use to kill them? I have no pic as I have removed them as I see them form.
On plant
Adenium obesum

15 Apr, 2009
does sound like mealy bug. I have done the alcohol swab and it works well. but if there are hundreds it can be very daunting.
Welcome to GoY too
16 Apr, 2009
Some folks use Neem spray. But this post is a bit late!
I also use a systemic, ouch, don't want to poison anything but the bad guys.
1 Jun, 2010
It sounds like they may be mealy bugs attacking your plant. Adeniums are susceptible to these.
Use cation with pesticide use since desert rose is sensitive to many sprays, especially those containing oils.
I have read that cleaning off the mealies with an alcohol swab works well but you have to do it everytime you see them and not postpone.
16 Apr, 2009