By Dorjac
United Kingdom
I have a large Stoechas lavender that has survived the 2 last to winters outside in a big pot, and has repeat bloomed well twice over. Now it has a lot of dead stem at the base but looks healthy at the top. How much dare I cut back at the top? It has about a foot of bare stem and a foot of healthy looking green stems.
17 Mar, 2012
I'd follow Jimmy's advice above, but otherwise, remove about an inch of the foliage. You won't get the plant to regenerate from the base though, you'll still have the woody part.
17 Mar, 2012
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You have done well to get you Lavender Stoechas to last through the last two winters. Lavenders do not like to be pruned into the old wood and usually fail to re-generate if cut back so hard. I would take as many cuttings as possible in April and compost the rest of the shrub.
17 Mar, 2012