Cobwebs on compost
By Jeano999
United Kingdom
For many years I have used a heated propagator in the greenhouse to start my seeds off. This year some of the seed pots have had a fine white cobweb develop on the surface of the compost. I can rub this off with my thumb but it comes back almost overnight. I remove the lid from the propagator during the day once the seeds have germinated. Even seedlings I have pricked out into new compost have developed this cobweb surface. Not all the seed pots have been affected. Any ideas as to what is causing it and should I treat it?
17 Mar, 2012
Are there any caterpillars anywhere you can see, at either end of the silky path/trail through your seedlings?
17 Mar, 2012
its not a fungi bye any chance as they like dark warm conditions and can look at a glance like spiders web ?
19 Mar, 2012
Noseypotter's suggestion 'rings a bell'!! Did you ever have mushrooms, or mushroom compost in your compost? If so, then it could well be a fungi of some sort and you will need to treat with appropriate fungicide.
21 Mar, 2012
Thanks for responses. The compost was a bag of multipurpose which was bought last year but was unopened until mid Feb this year. I have since stopped using it and purchased fresh as I also had problems with cabbage seedlings - were fine until I pricked them out into individual pots and returned them to the propagator where they slowly succumbed one by one to some sort of wilting disease. I don't think it was damping off as the stems were (and still are) strong and sturdy. The seed leaves withered, and looked a bit like powdery mildew. I sprayed with a solution of bicarb of soda and soap but it hasn't stopped the continuing demise of every plant leaf by leaf. I have now resowed all varieties - fingers crossed. I'll use the bag of compost on my ornamentals!
29 Mar, 2012
your more than welcome .
30 Mar, 2012
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« is it possible to dig up and re-position a 12 year old skimmea japonica?
I wonder if its from the compost? As you,ve used the propagator for some years you,d know if its too wet etc.
17 Mar, 2012