By Frederickaj
Merthyr Tydfil,
United Kingdom
We have just Added a small puppy to our family and are a little concerned about using " Bug Sprays " in the garden .
Can anyone recommend a good spray which is safe for use with pets .?
17 Mar, 2012
Another factor would be exactly what kind of bugs you want to kill. Many of the safer organic remedies aren't very "broad spectrum", and have little residual action, so you can't just spray once a month, just in case there is a problem. Probably just as well, since that sort of treatment was killing the environment and breeding resistant strains of pests.
17 Mar, 2012
Bug sprays aren't an issue really - just exclude the puppy from the garden while you are using them, and allow him access again once the spray has dried.
What can be a problem with pets is granular lawn treatments - best not use those with pets.
17 Mar, 2012