By Wendyhankin
United Kingdom
Hi fellow plant lovers. I have a question about Partridge Breasted aloe's. My own little one has started to develope what I call pups, and I have read in a book that you wait for the pup to develope Its own roots before detaching it from the parent plant. One of the pups in the past 3 days has pushed itself up from the parent and has independant roots. Can you advise how long those roots need to be before I transfer it? I do not want to kill it or the parent by accidently removing it too soon. Regards Wendy
19 Mar, 2012
Succulents are pretty good tempered about leaving home and tend to root quite easily. The best compost is an open gritty one - you can get small bags of cactus compost which would be the best thing to use.
19 Mar, 2012
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Sounds like it's all ready to leave Mummy aloe now. I'd ease it away and pot it up - a bit of TLC and it should be able to survive on its own.
19 Mar, 2012